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Is circumcision necessary? What are the benefits of circumcision?


Circumcision is a procedure that is generally practiced for religious purposes, but it is also an operation that has medical benefits. In particular, skin secretions (smegma) may accumulate in the area between the foreskin (penis) and the skin of the penis and can lead to both cosmetic problems and susceptibility to infections over time.


What is the best time for circumcision?


Circumcision planning should be done individually for each child. Although circumcision is considered a simple procedure, it is a surgical operation that will affect the whole life both aesthetically and functionally. Circumcision can be done at any age. The best time is before 2 years or after 6 years. 


What is Newborn Circumcision? What are the advantages?


Newborn circumcision is the general name given to all circumcision procedures performed within the first month after birth. Genital examination must be performed by a urologist to all children to confirm that they are without any anatomical or developmental problems. The advantages of this process are briefly:

  • Only local anesthesia is sufficient (the nervous system is not fully developed in newborns)

  • Easy healing due to faster wound healing in neonatal period

  • Wound care is more comfortable since babies are not mobile yet


What is the best technique of circumcision and anesthesia?

There are many surgical methods used for circumcision. Although it is not a proven technique, it is recommended that every surgeon should be familiar with one technique. It is recommended that the circumcision be performed under general anesthesia instead of local anesthesia in children outside the neonatal period in order to ensure that the patient is immobilized during the procedure and for aesthetically good results. The choice of performing circumcision with classical stitched, seamless sticthed, with tissue glues or special devices should be decided by the urologist according to the specific condition of each patient.


How many days does circumcision heal? When can I take a bath after circumcision?


Full wound healing after circumcision will take about 7 days. There is no harm in bathing in this process. The most important issue is to protect the penis from trauma, to change the diaper very often in terms of cleaning the wound in children using cloths, dressing, not to use shampoos containing chemicals that may disrupt wound healing during bathing.

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