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Kidney Cancer ( Renal Cell Carcinoma)

What is Kidney Cancer? Why does it occur?


Uncontrolled proliferation of cells in the kidney is called kidney cancer. These malignant cells multiply to form the tumor and may spread to other tissues or organs. Although the causes of kidney tumors are not clearly known, smoking, obesity, exposure to lead and shipbuilding chemicals, familial predisposition may be involved.


What Are the Symptoms of Kidney Cancer?


Kidney cancer is usually a late symptom. Common symptoms include urinary blood (hematuria), abdominal pain, back and sides pain, weight loss, weakness, night sweats, loss of appetite, nausea.


How is Kidney Cancer Diagnosed?


The diagnosis of kidney cancer is usually made by an ultrasound. Urinary system ultrasonography can show the majority of tumors in the kidney. However, especially in the early period, small masses in the kidney may not be seen. Therefore, it may be necessary to diagnose with advanced imaging tests such as computed tomography or MRI.


Is the Only Option for Kidney Cancer Treatment Surgery?


Unlike some other cancers, kidney cancer is a disease that is recommended to be operated immediately as soon as it is diagnosed even if the patient has a metastatic disease. Except for some special cases (for example, the mass is too large to be removed by surgery, adhering to large vessels, etc.) surgery is absolutely recommended. In such cases, preoperative chemotherapy (neoadjuvant chemotherapy) may reduce the mass.  


What are the Surgical Options in Kidney Cancer?


Some renal tumors can be removed by taking only a certain part of the kidney (partial nephrectomy); some kidney tumors may require removal of the entire kidney (radical nephrectomy). After selecting partial or radical surgery, it is examined whether open surgery or laparoscopic surgery is suitable. One of them is chosen with the preference of the surgeon and the path continues.


What are the other treatment options in kidney cancer?


Apart from the removal of the tumor in the kidney, there are methods such as dissolving it with energies such as high temperature or laser. Although it has not been shown to be superior to surgery, it may be an appropriate option especially for patients who cannot undergo surgery. Moreover, there are additional treatment options that can be applied by the oncology department such as immunotherapy, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.


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