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Prostate Enlargement (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, BPH) What is Prostate?


Prostate is an innate organ in all men. It is located just below the bladder. Its task is to produce a liquid that feeds sperm cells. Volume growth of the prostate is not necessarily a disease. If the prostate causes a narrowing of the urinary tract or if there is an uncontrolled growth, it is considered and treated as a disease.


What are the symptoms of prostate enlargement?


In case of enlarged prostate, there may be symptoms such as frequent urination, waking up from night sleep to urine, difficult urination, slow urine flow, inability to complete urination, incontinence, urination of blood, sudden sensation to urinate, intermittent voiding, forked voiding.


Is prostate enlargement the same thing as prostate cancer?


No. The disease known as prostate enlargement is called Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in medical language, and it is a benign disease. Prostate cancer is a completely different disease called malignant disease. Treatment options for prostate enlargement and prostate cancer are very different.


What is done in prostate control?


Every man over the age of 45 is suggested to undergo for a routine urology check once a year. This is very important for the early diagnosis of prostate cancer, which is the most common type of cancer in men today. It is very important to perform a blood test called 'PSA' and a rectal digital prostate examination during these annual controls. In addition, your urology doctor will decide the need for additional tests by evaluating data such as your symptoms and family history.


If PSA is high, is it definitely prostate cancer?


No. PSA is a blood test developed to diagnose prostate cancer. The normal limits of PSA may vary for age groups. PSA elevation may have many causes other than prostate cancer. Urinary tract infections are one of the most common ones. Not everyone with a high PSA is prostate cancer. However, if the PSA value is high, it must be proved that this is not caused by cancer. One of the most important parts of the annual urologist controls is to perform this test.


How is benign prostate enlargement treated?


In benign prostatic disease, which we call BPH, treatment starts medically with medications. In the majority of patients, this medication and follow-ups are enough to prevent symptoms of this disease for life. If medical therapy is not sufficiently beneficial, surgery will be considered. Here, the size, age, and other diseases of the patient are evaluated and the most appropriate prostate surgery technique is decided.


What are the types of prostate surgery? What is the best prostate surgery?


Prostate surgery can be divided into two main groups as open surgery and endoscopic surgery. Nowadays, open surgeries are performed at a decreasing rate due to the development of endoscopic technologies. However, it is still an option, especially in very large prostates (> 150 g). Endoscopic surgery can be divided into two main groups. These are laser surgeries and TUR surgeries. For information about these operations, you can review our videos section.


What are the risks of prostate surgery?


Prostate surgery can be performed with a low risk today. The risk of infection and bleeding exists for all surgeries. In addition, there may be risks of anesthesia that vary according to the type of anesthesia (spinal anesthesia or general anesthesia). In addition, sexual problems, urinary problems and urination problems may occur in very low rates (approximately under 1%).


Is Greenlight Laser the option for prostate surgery?


No. There is a different best surgery option for each prostate patient. This is decided by the urologist by evaluating the patients condition. Please note that; if all surgical options are done properly, they will achieve the same result. Greenlight laser may be a better option especially for advanced elderly patients who have bleeding / clotting problems, especially if the prostate is not very large.

What is Plasmakinetic Prostate Treatment?


Plasmakinetic TUR prostatectomy is an endoscopic surgical operation. It can be described as the process of engraving the prostate through the urinary tract. According to the surgeon's experience, even prostates as large as 150 g can be operated. You can watch the video on videos tab of our site.



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